To start off not many games are worthy of a ten out of ten rating but yours truly deserves it! The theme was amazing to the fact that you combined to of my favorite genres, zombies and building cities. The strategy game kept me playing for hours on end due to the fact that you just never want to stop playing.
My strategy was to mostly make all my people soldiers so I would never get overrun and kept a couple scientists and leaders. There are four different ways to win:
Draft a constitution
Destroy the evil-portal
Cure Zombieism
Recapture the city
Rebuild also has the great but rare ability to be able to spawn a sequel in which could have a story line/free-play mode, more buildings, bigger cities, different types of people, better sound and better graphics. You could also include a soldier weapon choice, soldier rating system, vehicles, possible in game cut scenes, different zombie types and harder monsters.